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Tails of Woe (Lorna Lanman)

20-07 A veterinarian-created pet charity, 16 pulled teeth, and a cancer misdiagnosis
Lorna Lanman, PetsVet Animal Hospital
20-26 A dog's spay procedure turns into a quest to find a missing uterus and a bigger bill
Lorna Lanman, PetsVet Animal Hospital
21-84 A dog in pain goes to the veterinarian with likely disc disease and gets rubbed down with meat chunks
Lorna Lanman, PetsVet Animal Hospital
22-09 A ferret's broken leg gets treated with diet at a known vet clinic: Part II
Lorna Lanman, PetsVet Animal Hospital
22-13 A veterinarian with a long history of complaints gets an inspection report
Lorna Lanman, PetsVet Animal Hospital